Legacy Letter Writing Circle Class

Everyone has a voice…find yours!
Everyone has unique stories… write yours!

The Writing Circle Class is designed to help people complete their Legacy Letter within a supportive environment with Leah and other participants providing the encouragement. The circle is a special place to polish your personal and family narratives. It is a place for reflective writing, cultivating self-awareness, healing and gaining fresh perspectives and insights.

Leah Dobkin offers a Legacy Letter Writing Circle to review and experience on a deeper level, our crazy, funny, confusing, painful ,as well as rapturous lives. By participating in a Legacy Letter Writing Circle, you build stronger connections, meaning, and validation.

Activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Introspective writing in a quiet environment with no distractions.
  • New content-producing exercises and prompts to unlock memories.
  • Assistance in organizing your material, and learning software to create your Legacy Letter Book.
  • Reading or passing around your document on a voluntary basis with no pressure exerted on you. If you choose to do this, you could gain helpful, positive feedback.
  • Heritage potluck, were we all bring a dish from an old family recipe. (optional)

Leah also provides individual coaching sessions.

Learn more, host or join a writing circle or for individual Legacy Letter coaching sessions.

Contact Leah


